My best friend Kim started a bookclub. Each month a person in the group chooses the book and hosts our group.
This month was my turn. I LOVE to host fancy little parties. This party was so fun!
Lots of good Pionner Woman food and laughs. The book I chose was her love story Black Heels to Tractor Wheels. {I swear the story reminds me of Jase and I and everyone else thought so too.}Tiny town farm life was not what I had invisioned but boy oh boy
my big ole' pink puffy heart has never ever been happier.
The menu was pretty simple. We had Revved up Queso, Milky Way cake, and chocolate covered strawberries. It was very good and inspired by Ree.
The start of the icing for my new favorite dessert is 3 Milky Way bars and a stick of butter; can you say...the BEST!
Here is a little view of the cake and table.
Chocolate covered strawberries have always been my favorite sweet treat.
Around our house we like a little fancy with a lot of country. Mason jars and festive paper straws are always a good idea.
The cutest little etsy shop made these sunglower earings for our group. Gifts and gift giving is a definite love language of mine. What better way than to start February with a little surprise treat.
What a pretty and " fancy " party!!! I am going to have to read that book!!! Thank you!!!:)