Monday, June 9, 2014

Come On In: Fancy Little Farmhouse Yard

Today I am linking up with Andrea who is the author to one of my very favorite blogs. 

Hello and welcome to our yard!!! This is my first year actually being in to my yard and by that I mean I have watered the flowers AND picked weeds. Not everyday mind you, but more than once...which is a big deal for me.

Welcome to the front porch. This is probably my favorite place at our house. It drives me crazy when people {like my husband} say front porches are a waste of space. I LOVE sitting out here with a book and mason jar filled with my favorite beverage of the day. 

This little space is all mine so of course there had to be a monogram.

Under the chairs today when I took pictures were our watering cans. Cole loves to water which is a big help.

One reason I swear flowers don't last at our house is because Cole is a fantastic excavator. He pulls plants by the roots and all!!! This picture just captures farm life with a little boy.

Here is a picture of Cole's little container garden. In it is his fair project {lettuce} and a few pumpkins that we planted.

And lots of you can see.

As you go up our stairs we have these little pots with our last name. I LOVE this!!! {so thankful our last name is small}

When we build I know {in my mind} just how I want my yard but right now my goal is to find joy in the now so this little place is definitely a work in progress. 

Thanks for visiting!!! 

1 comment:

  1. Your story about Cole excavation your flowers reminded me of my Cole's river! My Cole used to run the outdoor faucet and make a river down the backyard. My family kept telling me to quit letting him tear up the yard- 15 years later he remembers playing in the "river", getting muddy and floating his army men downstream. He loved it!


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