Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Anniversary Gift Idea

{Warning: Just a tad mushy}

Four years ago today I married the most wonderful man. The tightest, most grouchy, hardworking old man that ever was. 

He's cuter than cute and has the most beautiful eyes. {Moon men are famous for  their eyes}

I'm thankful for the unconditional love he gives to Cole and I and his one of a kind personality. He has a deep love for conservative values that makes me love him even more. He fully believes that if you want something you work for it and work hard. {None of this crazy business of asking for money or mooching off a system.}

I'm thankful that he's a leader, driven to his core, and cute to boot!

Mr. Moon is a hard man to shop for. He's very practical but knows I won't go for his request of "no gifts please" {that's just silly} Thankfully he also appreciates my crazy themed ideas.

I found the original idea on Pinterest; and tweaked it a bit so that I could use stuff I already had at home. 

I filled it with a few of his "favorite things" s'more pop tarts, gum, peanut butter mnm's, Diesel Truck Magazine, Classic Truck Magazine, and some other odds and ends. 

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