Thursday, May 29, 2014

Funny Farm

My Aunt had the idea to take our boys to a funny farm over Memorial Weekend. Cole absolutely loves animals so we eagerly went along for the ride.

There was quite the array of animals but unfortunately these animals were not fancy in the least bit. I'm still new when it comes to the farm lifestyle that I feel like is somewhat expected of me now. I was THAT Mom that NO-ONE likes (at all) telling their child NO, Don't touch that, Eww! Gross! I'm not sure why but animals that I am not familiar with make me extremely nervous and therefore I guess I focus on their germs and they freak me out.

Cole had a GREAT time and even cried when we left. Maybe that means I can try and talk Jason in to some baby pigs...yeah right!

Yes they had pigs in dog cages...I still can't get past that! 

Cole's favorite animal was the puppy! 

My next post will be all about our newest addition!!! SHE is super *Fancy* and oh so precious.

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